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昴氏(上海)电子贸易有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:上海市 上班地址:上海市长宁区娄山关路555号长房国际广场办公楼2506-2510室
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
Mouser Electronics is a worldwide leading authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for over 600 industry leading manufacturers. We specialize in the rapid introduction of new products and technologies for design engineers and buyers. Our extensive product offering includes semiconductors, interconnects, passives, and electromechanical components.In 2007, Mouser became a part of the Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway family of companies. Today, Buffett's holdings include insurance and finance subsidiaries and a host of almost fifty businesses ranging from jewelry and furniture to manufactured homes.Mouser has a strong commitment to customer service. That's why we've won awards for our legendary worldwide customer service excellence. We understand the value of having a knowledgeable person there to answer your questions quickly. Mouser is redefining customer-focused distribution.Mouser是一家总部在美国的跨国电子元器件分销商, 以为电子设计工程师迅速引进新产品和新技术为使命。也是股神沃伦-巴菲特(Warren Buffett)领导的伯克希尔.哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)控股公司旗下的一家子公司。Mouser.com网站可提供超过600家制造商的数百万种产品的在线订购,为设计师提供新的元器件数据手册,以及相应的设计参考资料。Mouser全球货运达170个国家超过500,000个客户,在得克萨斯州有750,000平方英尺的现货库存。公司改造原有的仓库,建造并起用了采用流水线操作模式且容量更大的自动化新仓库。Mouser目前在亚太地区在9个国家或地区设有办公室,为迎接Mouser的快速发展,我们诚邀您和我们一起携手创造新未来。


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